We are half way through the 9th month of 2020 and I am reflecting on the positive things that took place in my life this year. It has been a challenging year, changing the way we do life.
With high profile celebrities dying and a monster of a pandemic killing people, I have often found myself thinking, I will be glad when things go back to some semblance of normalcy. When I can feel comfortable about hugging and spending time with my family members and not worry that I could be exposing them to COVID 19 because I work in a front line job.
One day back in April, I was talking to a coworker who said, “Well, don’t worry if you get it. The most that could happen is that you are sick for a few weeks and then you’ll be fine.” I said, “But I personally know of people who have died from it.” This conversation was a couple weeks after one of my best friend’s grandfather had passed away. I told him that I didn’t want to assume that I would just get over it because everyone didn’t come through it. I’m a fairly healthy person, don’t smoke or drink, not overweight. But I don’t want to catch it and hope and pray to get better. I’d rather just not catch it.
When my birthday came around, my desire was to start spending an hour praying and an hour reading my bible every day. I know that it takes more than a casual relationship with God for the things that I believe that He has in store for my life to manifest. He has great plans for me. I understand that to much is given, much is required. But as you can imagine, after about 2 weeks, I fell off. My schedule changed, I spent more time at work and when I came home, more time in bed sleeping to recuperate. But I managed to come up with a plan that was easier for me to do. Some days I had about ten minutes and some days I had a couple hours. I’ve found the most important thing is just to be consistent. I do what I can each day.
I’ve been reading through the bible since the pandemic started. I started in the new testament because I didn’t want to get bogged down with the old testament right off the jump. The chapters in the old testament are pretty long, so starting in the new testament gave me a sense of accomplishment when I was able to complete it after a couple months. Right now I’m about to finish up the Book of Numbers in the new testament. Doing this has allowed me to see God’s faithfulness and discipline to the children of Israel. He was/is so patient with His people.
Some ladies and I started a prayer group to pray for the number of COVID 19 cases to go down at our job. At one time, there were two or three announcements every week that there was a confirmed case. Thanks to God, the cases have significantly decreased.
Here is my video talking about how God led me to ask these women to pray. I have grown since we’ve been praying. We hold each other accountable and each one of them have said that they had been seeking God wanting to draw closer to Him.
I’m grateful for the positive things that have happened in my life in 2020:
I paid off my car.
I still have a job.
I’m in good health.
My prayer life has grown.
I’m learning to be led by the Spirit.
I’ve learned the value of spending time with family.
Is there anything positive that you can say about 2020? Comment below.